The Truth About When You Detour your Travel Plans


“I am so eager to see the rainforest exhibit, coming face to face with creatures that seem straight out of myth and legend,” you remark with growing excitement to your travel companion.

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Checking into a hotel near Oslo Central Station, embracing city adventures.


Disappointed at hotel reception, discovering it's fully booked

Our Oslo hotel was fully booked.

When the hotel is full, adventure awaits

I guess we take a detour then.

Booking tickets to Norway!


Some view travel mishaps as misfortunes, but for souls filled with spontaneity, a detour is a happy tour after all. So when you arrive in Norway to find your Oslo hotel overbooked, disappointment swiftly transforms into delight.

A quick online search reveals an affordable fairy tale apartment at Riverside Bliss, just a winding drive from an intriguing attraction—the Small Zoo's tropical exhibits. You set off certain this impulsive side road will prove far more rewarding than the planned highway ahead.

At journey’s end, your convictions are rewarded. The Riverside Bliss apartment enchants with its tranquil riverside charm. And the Small Zoo brings you snout to snout with nature’s exotic wonders, as if stepping through a secret portal into a lost world.

As the explorer's adage goes: “Sometimes the most scenic roads in life are the detours you didn’t mean to take.” At Riverside Bliss and the Small Zoo, you uncover living proof of this wisdom.

“Onward to rare discoveries down roads less traveled!” you declare, map in hand, compass pointing to adventure. Your Norwegian detour awaits.

You leave the exhibit brimming with newfound gratitude for those who tend the mythic beasts, allowing us pedestrian folk to revel in nature's dormant wonders awakened briefly to stir childlike awe

Winding Through Emerald Countryside to Riverside Bliss

Your drive through rural Norway wends past lush forests and crystalline rivers that reflect the azure sky like jeweled mirrors. Around each bend, new vistas unfold, with quaint red cottages and puffs of chimney smoke adding whimsical splashes of color.

You crest a hill to spy Riverside Bliss nestled harmoniously along the riverside, as if sprung straight from a fairy tale. Crossing the quaint yard to your apartment door, you instantly feel the stresses of travel dissolving, just as the river waters bubble and flow.

Inside, touches like handmade furniture and engraved woodgrain radiate cozy charm. You settle into the sofa by the window, gazing out at the shimmering river winding like a silken ribbon toward untold discoveries beyond.

"This charming detour is just what my adventurous heart needed," you declare, hugging your spontaneous nature that led you here. The river seems to wink knowingly in response.

Scenic drive through rural Norway: Lush forests, crystalline rivers, and quaint red cottages create picturesque landscapes
Inside The Little Zoo (Den lille dyrehage)

Into the Mythic Wilds of the Small Zoo

The next morning dawns bright and clear, ideal for your outing to the Small Zoo just 30 minutes away. Your travel companion remarks on feeling like Alice through the looking glass, anticipating wonders that blur the line between fantasy and reality.

Passing through the front gates adorned with exotic animal carvings, you delve into the rainforest dome, humid air carrying earthy scents and birdsong. Before you lies an enchanted world many only glimpse in books—orchids unfurling like parasols, fish gliding through crystalline waters, trees that disappear into vine-draped canopy.

And then you see them—the animals straight from myth and legend. Lizards fluorescing like living rainbows. Miniature monkeys with wise, watching eyes. A tapir's pig-like snout sniffing curiously in your direction. You stand transfixed, feeling a realm away from modernity.

"We have definitely stepped through the looking glass, down the rabbit hole, and beyond," you whisper reverently. Your companion nods, eyes shining with childlike awe. Here, even adults become children again.

Lizard at the Little Zoo

An Unexpected Twist Leads to Deeper Connection

But as enchanted as the exhibits are, you yearn for closer connection to the animals. Then comes an unexpected twist—the rainforest guide offers you a chance to come closer to the reptile habitat!

Face to face with a python and tiny pygmy caiman, you gain profound respect for nature’s wildest creatures, seeming fierce yet more frightened of you. And in gazing into the zookeeper's eyes as she cradles lizards with obvious adoration, you glimpse the devotion that makes captivity an act of deeper bond, not loss of freedom.

You leave the exhibit brimming with newfound gratitude for those who tend the mythic beasts, allowing us pedestrian folk to revel in nature's dormant wonders awakened briefly to stir childlike awe.

Riverside Bliss

Off the beaten path

Revealing Arendal and Tvedestrand: Surprising Affordable Treasures

Riverside Bliss

Welcome to a captivating journey through the charming cities of Arendal and Tvedestrand! Nestled on the picturesque southern coast of Norway, these two towns have much to offer for the intrepid traveler seeking an authentic and enriching experience. In this travel guide, we'll dive deep into the heart of these coastal gems, revealing the best places to visit, the delectable local cuisine, and the immersive cultural experiences that await you.

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Riverside Bliss


Last Minute Deal: Reasons To Book Riverside Bliss

Riverside Bliss

Are you yearning for an extraordinary getaway amidst nature's embrace? Look no further than Riverside Bliss, where an enchanting experience awaits. Nestled in the heart of Norway, our charming haven beckons travelers seeking solace and adventure in equal measure. In this blog, we reveal the captivating reasons why you should choose Riverside Bliss for your unforgettable overnight stay in Norway.

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A New Perspective on Zoos and Conservation

On the drive back to Riverside Bliss, you contemplate your preconceptions about animals in captivity. Do zoos distort perceptions about conservation? But without them, would people understand the rainforest's endangered marvels?

Perhaps small zoos like these aligned with animal welfare offer hope. By encountering the living beasts up close, visitors bond with their wild essence, absorbing lessons that can't be learned staring at screens.

You resolve that the solution lies not in avoidance, but intention. Prepare minds to receive creatures not as spectacles, but teachers. Limit visits to reputable zoos that allow introspection more than amusement.

Most of all, let the eyes of rainforest dwellers stir respect for habitats fading as we cut the very roots binding us to something greater. For in the end, the animals gaze back as mirrors - what they see reflects who we are, and how we walk through this shared world.

Living room area at Riverside Bliss

Sofa by the window in the Riverside Bliss apartment

One of the community firepits at Riverside Bliss

River ambiance at Riverside Bliss


Gazing out at Riverside Bliss’s river as the setting sun bids farewell, you recall the explorer’s decree—that life’s most rewarding routes are often unplanned detours. Here, through an intersection of happy accidents, your spirit feels nourished.

So shed rigid agendas. When faced with unexpected forks along your travels, let curiosity steer you toward roads winding through novelty’s enchanted forests. Keep your mind’s eyes and heart open to hidden wonders.

And if along the way, you find yourself looking glass to eye with a creature straight from myths and dreams, recall it is no accident. Each animal crossing your path has secrets to share and lessons to teach, if you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

Not all who wander are lost, so wander wisely and with purpose. Let detours delight you, and discoveries illuminate you. The scenic road ahead promises pleasant surprises if you remain spontaneous in spirit.